>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Brad> At 9:06 PM -0400 2005-04-19, kalin mintchev wrote:

    >> what is not clear in the statement members_postings_only='yes'?
    >> 'yes' or 'only'? i guess i'm hanging on "only". wouldn't you?

    Brad>       The problem is that Mailman checks for things such as
    Brad> attachment size, etc... to try to determine whether or not
    Brad> the message should be held for approval, before checking
    Brad> list membership.

    Brad>       If you want that process changed, you should file a
    Brad> Request For Enhancement at the SourceForge page for the
    Brad> Mailman project.

To change the order, all Kalin has to do is redefine the global
pipeline in mm_cfg.py.  (Well, first he has to update to Mailman 2.1,
but evidently Barry borrowed Guido's time machine---the features he
needs are already in a released Mailman.)

It's a shame that we don't take more advantage of the flexibility that
is offered by this feature.  It is _really_ easy to experiment with
Mailman 2.1 if you know a little Python.  If delivery timeliness is
not of crucial importance, and you don't mess with address headers,
it's even reasonably safe to play with a "live" list---Mailman
requires explicit action to delete a message, so even if you screw up,
the post will end up in the SHUNT or HOLD queues.  Once you're
confident that you've implemented the desired policy, you can start
raising DISCARD instead of HOLD.  It's as simple as that.

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