>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Ostrowsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ben> As you may remember from our last thrilling episode, I've
    Ben> upgraded from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5.  Our users are trying to send
    Ben> messages that are being held for review, which is fine.  But
    Ben> when we try to release the messages, Mailman says that there
    Ben> are no pending messages.

If the number of messages being held is -1, then there was a
bug/problem with upgrade that caused that.  You go to handle the
messages, you see -1, you try to release -1 messages, after that
things are fine.

Are the messages in fact disappearing, and never being mailed to list

Are any messages getting through?

Is it possible that your mail aliases are pointing to the old Mailman,
which is storing them in the old queue, and the new Mailman isn't
seeing them at all?

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