>> For some reason, the gate_news cron starting giving this error every 5
>> minutes:
>> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
>> '/usr/local/mailman/lists/testlist/config.pck'
>> To the best of my knowledge, this list does not have a mail/news gateway.
>> Can someone let me know how I can get rid of this error?
> Found out what the problem was. The permissions were incorrect. Did a chown
> on the config.pck file and it worked!
Scratch the last comment. Apparently, the config.pck and other pck files are
recreated every time the cron runs. The problem is that when this file is
recreated, the permissions are such that mailman cannot modify that file.
For example, my config.pck file for all the lists on my mailman server are
automatically created with permissions with user apache. However, mailman is
not an authorized owner.

What should I do? Should I try and make the config.pck file default to
mailman ownership?

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