Brad Knowles wrote:

>At 9:44 PM -0400 3/20/07, Dave Foran wrote:
>>  If there an option to just dump spam  that is sent to a list rather than
>>  repliy with you have no permission to send
>>  I have several mailman lists for reasons only spammers know, love to spam
>>  them with all kinds of things
>>  and I would love to just send these replies to /dev/null  Really not even
>>  acknowledge them as in just ignore
>Default moderate posts from senders who are not subscribers, then go 
>through the moderation queue and handle the messages from real 
>people, then click the little box at the bottom that says "Discard 
>all messages marked /Defer/", and then click the button that says 
>"Submit All Data".  You're done.

I replied to this yesterday, but neglected to copy the list.

If you do the above, you also want to set respond_to_post_requests to
No to prevent sending the held message notice to the spam's alleged

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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