I have a dedicated server with cent-OS .. I access my mailman using:
based on the message below, a nice fellow answered my questions by: 
now I browsed my server using SSH but couldn't find the path to mailman 
anywhere, I automatically installed it using the control panel of my server.. 
but I don't know where I can find the path to mailman and the bin directory in 
it to run the commands! could anyone please help me?
here's my previous message and the answer of the nice guy:
> dear mailman guys,> > 2 things ..> > 1- is there a way to mass-subscribe 
> users through sending a command by email to the list without the 
> administritive interface? because I keep getting an 'Internal server error' 
> message
 > 2- I've been trying to get a list of users to my email using the 'who 
 > password' command.. but it keeps giving me only 2500 addresses instead of 
 > the 75000+ emails in my list .. what to do about it?> > your help is highly 
 > appreciated ..>  /path-to-mailman/bin/sync_members [options] -f filename 
 > listname /path-to-mailman/bin/list_members listname
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