hello all..
I have a dedicated server with CentOS installed.. I need to perform some 
mailman commands without going thru the administrative interface that doesn't 
work due to an 'internal server error' message..
now mailman commands are installed here:
for example I need to run the ' list_members listname' command but it keeps 
telling me that this is not a command.. although I logged in as 'root' not as 
the regular user name ..
can you please write the exact syntax that allows me to put the members of a 
list called "dailymail" (without the quotes)in a text file using the 
list_members command?
I also would really appreciate the exact syntax of the command that allows me 
to mass-subscribe the emails in a text file and adding them to same list called 
"dailymail"? .. and also the syntax that removes a bunch of emails in a text 
file from the list ..
I'm no linux programmer or something, do I need to put a certian thingy before 
each command to run? like "run list_members" or should I use some kind of code, 
in other words, what is the exact syntax or way that allows me to do the tasks 
thanks a million..
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