who said it's 5000 subscribers a day??? if I really did say this it's by 
mistake.. I meant 500 (5 Hundred) a day!
and please, leave the type of mailing aside, if you're a non believer don't 
offend other people, I didn't try to shove my beliefs into your faces and I was 
really offended with what you said about religion..
besides, I'm using the mass remove and mass subscribe features because I have 
multiple lists and I'm using 1 email for subscribing and 1 email for removals 
then collect all the emails sent to these addresses and subscribe or remove 
them from all the lists in order to avoid double subscriptions.. many users in 
my list send messages by mistake to the subscribe email ..
also my dear I've been running this list for over 3 years now and this number 
of subscribers didn't get there easy..
I'm sorry for all the fuss I've created by my simple request .. > From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Multi list management ..> To: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 10:27:11 -0600> CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
mailman-users@python.org> > The esteemed Khalil Abbas has said:> > > > > > Dear 
Brad,> > > > first of all, godaddy has a very very strict policy against 
spamming, you can read about it in their website.. if they noticed the least of 
bounces they would terminate your whole server .. besides, my list is OPT-IN 
and I never use the mass subscribe feature unless I want to move people from 
one list to another ..> > > > second, what I meant was: each subscriber likes 
the service so much that he sends it to his friends, and his friends like it so 
much that most of them subscribe.. for the service is very cool, a single line 
of quote that is never hard to read with great wisdom and benefit .. Third, you 
should think better of people, religious !
 messages is not about bugging other people it's about teaching them not to 
disturb other people ..Thanks..> > GOD FORGIVES..> > > Khalil Abbas:> > The 
more you protest in mails to this list, the more you come across> as a spammer, 
pure and simple. > > Your original description:> > "the problem is, everyday I 
have to MASS-REMOVE the list of addresses> that wants to cancel on all the 
small lists .. as well as have to > MASS-SUBSCRIBE the list of new 
subscriptions on all of the small lists > which is getting really exhausting 
especially that my list is growing > very fast (sometimes 5000+ subscribers a 
day) and I have to open a new > small list every like 50 or 60 new thousand 
subscribers .."> > Mass-subscribe isn't "opt-in" by any stretch of the 
imagination. And> having to mass-remove those who protest simply acknowledges 
that> people don't like to be spammed. Beyond which, many users are taught> 
that responding to spammers will simply validate their e-mail and> produce more 
 spam. 5000+ new subscribers a day says to me loud and> clear that you 
are harvesting e-mail addresses from somewhere, or> several somewheres. That's 
junk mail quantities. I live in a 9900> square mile county where every e-mail 
address in the county would be> subscribed in 2-3 days at that rate. All of New 
York City might take a > couple of weeks. A demographic of 250K "qualified 
buyers" comes> across as an order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) larger than 
anything> I'd expect without clear-cut proof.> > Add to that the subject matter 
you are mailing. I am an old bull> (mid-70's), and if there are is a red flag 
that gets the old bull's> attention, it's religious mailings of any type. 
Politics rates a> distant second. > > Don't bother talking to me about thinking 
better of people, forgiving> gods, etc. when your description is of "religious 
messages is not> about bugging other people it's about teaching them not to 
disturb > other people," and your methodology is to mass e-mail them with 
these> mailings.> > In short, the more you post, the less I'm!
  inclined to believe that you> are running anything other than a spam 
operation. I may not know> everything, but as the late Red Skelton said, "I 
calls them the way I> sees them."> > Hank
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