I just installed Mailman on my Debian mail server and am following the
guide however I used my package installer to install Mailman. I did
not build from source. I am running v2.1.9-7 and it installed fine but
when I run /usr/lib/mailman/bin/check_perms -f, I get the following:

email:/usr/lib/mailman/bin# ./check_perms -f
/var/lib/mailman/mail bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/scripts bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/templates bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/pythonlib bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/cron bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/locks bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/bin bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/icons bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/logs bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/Mailman bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
/var/lib/mailman/cgi-bin bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
Problems found: 11
Re-run as list (or root) with -f flag to fix

I did create the mailman user and mailman group manually.

$ groupadd mailman
$ useradd -c "GNU Mailman" -s /bin/false -d /no/home -g mailman mailman

No matter how many times I run the "check_perms" script with the -f
flag, it will not fix the 11 issues. I have stopped and restarted
Mailman several times.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
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