Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Prior to 2.1.10, check_perms had a bug and didn't check the owner and
> group permissions on the archives/private directory itself.
> Permissions should be 2771 or maybe 2770 (drwxrws--x or drwxrws---). If
> archives/private is not o+x, it needs to be owned by the web server
> for public archive URLs to work.
I changed it to 2771 (I just needed too do a chmod o-r).
> Subordinate directories should be 2775 (drwxrwsr-x) and subordinate
> files 0664 (-rw-rw-r--) except for the archives/private/*/database/
> directory and subordinate files which should not have 'other'
> permissions.
OK, this is confusing. The public archive directories are links
(lrwxrwxrwx) to the private archive directories which contain the actual
archives. Those directories are drwxrwsr-x. The files are 755.
> It is not clear to my why a help command to the -request address would
> try to lock the archive. Is (was) 2271 the pid of CommandRunner?
No, it is 2273. I'm not sure I understand this question. The pid would
depend on when qrunner was launched. I have stopped and started mailman
several times so the pid could be anything, couldn't it?

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