

I'm recieving many messages from members in my lists that they have stopped 
recieving emails without requesting to be removed from the lists! when I check 
the daily backups I find out that their addresses does exist in old backups but 
disappear at some point ..


I suspect my bounce settings.. it's set as follows:


- The maximum member bounce score before the member's subscription is disabled 
: 5.0


- The number of days after which a member's bounce information is discarded, if 
no new bounces have been received in the interim:7


- How many Your Membership Is Disabled warnings a disabled member should get 
before their address is removed from the mailing list. Set to 0 to immediately 
remove an address from the list once their bounce score exceeds the threshold: 0


- The number of days between sending the Your Membership Is Disabled warnings:7


please advise..


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