Hello Mailman folks -

We are running Mailman 2.1.9 on Linux SLES 10.  The name of this server is
mail.westmont.edu, so in mm_cfg.py we have these settings:

DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/'
DEFAULT_NNTP_HOST = 'mail.westmont.edu'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.westmont.edu'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'mail.westmont.edu'

This works fine for URLs to the administrative or user websites, but we get
problems when people try to use the address links displayed on the website
(i.e. on the listinfo page), because they show as '

Our email addresses have the form 'listn...@westmont.edu'.  Up until
recently, an address like 'listn...@mail.westmont.edu' would also work,
because the mail was being received by the mail.westmont.edu server and it
recognized either format.

But we now have our mail hosted at Google Apps.  Google has no problem
delivering list mail as long as it doesn't have the "mail" in the address,
but if a user tries to send a message by clicking on one of those links with
"mail" in it, it gets bounced.

So, I'm hoping there is a way to set up the list address links to show as '
listn...@westmont.edu' instead of 'listn...@mail.westmont.edu', and still
keep the 'http://mail.westmont.edu/mailman/whatever' URLs.

Is there a way to do this?


Anne Anderson
Web Application Developer / Database Manager
Information Technology
Westmont College
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