I recognize some of my words in what Paul has quoted below so let me comment. The discussion Paul is quoting from dealt with running Mailman on Mac OS X CLIENT whereas Paul is dealing with Mac OS X SERVER. OS X Server comes with a bastardized version of Mailman where as OS X Client has nothing except a Mailman account (Why is the account already there? Who knows!). The undocumented changes Apple has made have been talked about much before and I thought with the conclusion that the Apple provided version in Server is unsupported here due to the kind issues Paul is having.

My suggestion would be to remove the Apple provided version of Mailman, the install the official version from source. Once the Apple version is gone, I see no reason that instructions for installing from scratch that I've previously posted would not work. Heck, they might even work fine in parallel with the Apple version (which obviously then should not be allowed to run). I'm pretty sure, if I remember my own instructions correctly, that I have Mailman self-contained within /Applications/mailman except for the startup file in /Library/LaunchDaemons (which might need to be given a slightly different name to avoid a conflict), the modifications to the Apache configuration file, and the modifications to the Postfix configuration file for the aliases (all of which should be preserved by any Apple upgrades).

-- Larry Stone

On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Paul Kleeberg wrote:

I am ready to tear my hair out.

Thanks to Mark, I got mailman up and running except for one minor hitch.  In my 
log file I see an endless stream of:

        12/17/09 11:56:49 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.list.mailmanctl) 
Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
        12/17/09 11:57:00 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.list.mailmanctl) 
Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

Searching the archives, I found this (The thread starts at 

The only difference between my org.list.mailmanctl.plist and Apple's is my verb 
*start*, as opposed to Apple's *startf*. I'm baffled by *startf*, which is not 
supported by mailman and does nothing, either in the CLI or in 

Further on down in the messages I read:

I just caught that Bryan notes that he receives an "endless succession" of 
those messages where as I see one and that's it.
Comparing our launchd .plist files, I see a few differences:

So I made that change to 

Everything appeared to work fine, web interface works, creating a list works 
but qrunner does not to appear to start on bootup.  it appears that I now have 
to manually run:

 sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/mailmanctl start

to get mailman to start.  That concerns me.  I need to know how to get it to 
start on boot and how to restart itself if it dies.

When this is all done, I would be happy to summarize what I learned for 

Paul Kleeberg

On Dec 17, 2009, at 9:35 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Paul Kleeberg wrote:

and get the following error:

        ***** Installation directory /var/mailman is not configured properly!
        ***** Directory must be owned by group _mailman: /var/mailman

/var/mailman is has the settings root:wheel while the files inside are 

Do I need to change the group of the /var/mailman directory for the install?  I 
know that change is probably not significant, but I an not sure enough of my 
knowledge to know.

It is only significant to configure in your case, but configure whant
the prefix and var_prefix directories to be SETGID and Mailman's group
so that subordinates created by make install will be the same.

When you originally asked about this off line, I thought what you had
would be OK because it was a working installation, but apparently it
only works for Apple :(

You need to

chgrp _mailman /var/mailman
chmod g+s /var/mailman

to make configure happy. The prefix directory (/usr/share/mailman in
your case) needs to be the same.

Once I get this right, I plan on upgrading a 10.6.2 production server running 
2.1.12rc1 to 2.1.12.

FYI, 2.1.13rc1 is released and 2.1.13 final will be released next week
barring the unexpected. It fixes several minor bugs in 2.1.12.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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