
> I made a 2.1.13 vhost patch a little differently. I made a bazaar 2.1.7
> branch, applied the 2.1.7 vhosts patch, committed the result, did a
> bzr merge from the 2.1.13 branch which produced 5 conflicts, the only
> significant ones being in Mailman/MTA/ and Mailman/,
> and resolved the conflicts.
> I am testing with that. This patch is at
> <> if you're interested.
> It is essentially the 2.1.7 patch, but fixed to apply cleanly to
> 2.1.13.

Thank you for taking a look at this. I really appreciate it.

> Yes. Really the MailList.Create() method should be patched, but the
> workaround is to add
> to This adds '@' to the default list of acceptable listname
> characters and allows list names with '@' to pass a new (since 2.1.7)
> check in MailList.Create().

Yep, i figured this one out. 

> As far as the problems with the archives are concerned, I've tested
> just a bit and I see the problem (but not the solution yet). I think
> part of the problem for me is that the host name in a
> listn...@hostname list cannot be the same as DEFAULT_URL_HOST. I have
> a DNS issue on my test machine that makes it difficult for me to add
> additional host names so that's hampering my testing at the moment.

I got around the DNS issue with /etc/hosts, may not work in your case, i guess

After not being able to create a list, I had another issue (not seen in 2.1.7), 
where the alias file was created in the form of "|/path/to/mailman unsubscribe"

which mailman did not understand and complained that 
"" not found.

The problem was in Mailman/MTA/ and _makealiases_mailprog() function, 
so i just modified it to accept another variable and use it

def _makealiases_mailprog(listname, at_name, internal_listname=None):  <<--- i 
added at_name

    for ext in ('admin', 'bounces', 'confirm', 'join', 'leave', 'owner',
                'request', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe'):
        aliases.append(('%s-%s' % (listname, ext),
                        '"|%s %s %s"' % (wrapper, ext, at_name)))  <<--- i 
added at_name

and then change Mailman/MTA/ 

    for k, v in makealiases(_generate_alias(mlist), listname,   <<--- added 
listname var here
                            internal_listname = listname):

This fixed the alias creation. I was able to subscribe to the list, however, i 
was not able to post to the list, because list names were still translated into 
"". Tacked it down to the post script in scripts 
folder, and had to modify "listname" variable in mail()

        foo = sys.argv[1]
        listname = foo.split('=')
        listname = '@'.join(listname)

This change allowed me to post, but this is where i hit the same problems as i 
did originally with 2.1.7 install.

So i had to use my mod_rewrite trick, modify Mailman/Cgi/

host = os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME')  <<----- needed to for Utils.maketext()


        list_name = listname.split("@")
        m_list = list_name[0]
        true_filename = os.path.join(
               mm_cfg.PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_FILE_DIR, host, m_list)

and then modify templates/en/private.html and change form action, it it allows 
me to  authenticate private archives.

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="%(action)s...@%(host)s">

> But the issue is more than that. At the moment, I have four lists - two
> lists.listname lists and two lists/ lists. All
> four of these appear on the overviews at
> and
> with link URLs like
> and
>, but only the
> lists/ list URLs work. The others give "No such
> list".

Now i was able to see the private archive table of contents, but none of the 
links were functional, so clicking on a link pointing to
 reloads the page, adding another "2010-Janury" in the browser address bar

and so on. Unfortunately i haven't been able to get around this issue yet.

> I will continue to look at this, but if your testing turns up anything,
> let us know.

Thanks again, Mark!

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