Hi, Mark, first of all thank you very much for your kind response.

It's amazing, the error i posted you was due to a fault # in a line in the
file uncommented mm_cfg.py..

Now I find another error when i post to a list, doesn't matter if to
mail...@lists.domain.com or  mail...@domain.com, and I dare not change
permissions without your advice:

Sep 14 18:38:43 ws Mailman mail-wrapper: Group mismatch error.  Mailman
expected the mail#012wrapper script to be executed as group "daemon",
but#012the system's mail server executed the mail script as#012group
"mailman".  Try tweaking the mail server to run the#012script as group
"daemon", or re-run configure, #012providing the command line option
Sep 14 18:38:43 ws postfix/pipe[29466]: E3CB03029A1:
to=<mail...@lists.domain.com>, relay=mailman, delay=0.54,
delays=0.49/0/0/0.04, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced (Command died with status 2:
"/usr/lib/mailman/bin/postfix-to-mailman.py". Command output: Group mismatch
error.  Mailman expected the mail wrapper script to be executed as group
"daemon", but the system's mail server executed the mail script as group
"mailman".  Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group
"daemon", or re-run configure,  providing the command line option
`--with-mail-gid=mailman'. )

What can i do? It sounds me not as easy as execute a simple chown... I also
don't understand what's postfix-to-mailman.py pretending to do, if i don't
want this script be executed, i want a pure integration.

What will certainly get my attention, is that even though I came out I
posted that bug you, simply by mydestinations = $ mydomain, the list worked
perfectly! (sending to mail...@domain.com, what i want, cause i don't want
to need to include the lists preffix). But with the exception that virtual
users will not receive mail due to error "do not specify domain.com in BOTH
mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domain" but I can not afford it because
virtual users should be able to continue sending and receiving.

Thank you very much and i hope you can help me with the "daemon" group

Mark Sapiro-3 wrote:
> Paul Weinx wrote:
>>Hi friends.
>>I have a Postfix to handle virtual domains and users, and it works
>>perfectly. I have Mailman installed and removed about 30 times, trying
>>different configurations, but I'm desperate, because I only work in a way
>>that I describe below.
>>Suppose my domain is domain.com, and I want to use lists.domain.com
>>exclusively for lists (If it does not work even with mail...@domain.com, I
>>do not even want to imagine what I must do to domain2.com, domain3.com,
>>etc). All dns are pointing to my server Ubuntu perfectly.
> Please see the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/OIDD>.
>>When i put in the / etc / mailman / transport file:
>>lists.domain.com mailman:
>>and try to send an email to mail...@domain.com, the mail.log drop me the
>>next error:
>>Sep 14 11:59:46 ws postfix / pipe [20487]: DB5333017C4: to =
>><mail...@lists.domain.com>, <mail...@domain.com> orig_to =, relay =
>>delay = 0.5, delays = 0.49 / 0/0/0.01, dsn = 5.3.0, status = bounced
>>(command line usage error. Command output: Illegal invocation: '/ usr /
>>/ mailman / bin / postfix-to-mailman.py lists.domain.com mailman argv = /
>>usr / bin / spamc-f-e / usr / sbin / sendmail-oi-f paulwe...@hotmail.com -
>>mail...@lists.domain.com 'Did you forget to September
>>mailman_destination_recipient_limit = 1 in main.cf ?)
> <rant>
> postfix_to_mailman.py is a third party module officially unsupported by
> the GNU Mailman project. It is used by Debian/Ubuntu for reasons
> unknown to me and causes much grief when people come here looking for
> help.
> </rant>
> Note that the above error log message does not come from the
> postfix_to_mailman.py that I have seen. It seems to indicate that
> postfix_to_mailman.py is being invoked as part of some pipe involving
> spamc (Spamassassin) and sendmail, but why this is happening I don't
> know, and it would be wrong in any case.
> What is the entry in master.cf for the mailman transport? It should be
> at least similar to
> mailman unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
>   flags=FR user=mailman:mailman 
>   argv=/var/mailman/postfix-to-mailman.py ${nexthop} ${user}
> without any extraneous whitespace.
>>No matter if i place in mm_cfg.py: MTA = 'Postfix' or MTA = 'None',
> MTA = None (no quotes arond None) is appropriate for
> postfix_to_mailman.py. MTA = 'Postfix' is for automated generation of
> aliases and virtual mappings which is the recommended method for
> integrating Postfix with Mailman and is npt compatible with
> postfix_to_mailman.py.
>> or if
>>the file main.cf mydestination postfix leave empty, or put mydestination =
>>lists.domain.com, relay_domains or thousands of combinations I could
>>The only way that mailman knows that I am sending an email (and if you do
>>from localhost moderation remains pending, although this is less important
>>to me) is putting in the transport file, the following:
>>domain.com mailman:
> Are you sending your list mail to listn...@lists.domain.com? and not to
> listn...@domain.com? postfix_to_mailman.py requires that list
> addresses all be qualified by a dedicated domain.
> -- 
> Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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