Dear mailmam team..

I’ve been a proud mailman user for years and I would like to post some comments 
that would be useful in the next mailman version:

- the ability to export the list config (config_list) from the web interface, 
many mailman users have regular webhosting plans with no shell access.. if they 
want to switch to a different service it will be difficult for them to 
reconfigure their lists ..

- the ability to put the approved:password in the subject line not as a custom 
header.. many of us use outlook and it’s pain in the arse to add  a custom 
header.. I have over 57 lists and I have to approve each and every one of them 
thru the web interface.. (ps.: if any of the mailman users actually managed to 
add a custom header to outlook please please do tell me how u did it)..

- the ability to approve messages in shell.. you can currently view the held 
messages, discard them, but not approve them..

- make bounce processing smarter to know when the message is a real bounce and 
when it was deferred by the remote MTAs like hotmail and yahoo.. the addresses 
do exist and they willingly subscribed but they eventually get removed from the 
lists because of deferrals which later, if not unsubscribed, hotmail and yahoo 
will accept them sometimes..

- change the mailman’s name to KICKASSmail :)

Thanks for a wonderful application and great service..

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