
After the local timezone rules change the mailman sends messages with incorrect timezone in Date: header.

Acording to the Russian Govnerment statement Russia is abolishing daylight saving time from this year. E.g. Moscow time (which daylight saving was GMT+4) will now has standard GMT+4. To adopt this we install new timezone calculation rules (tzdata-2011l). Now the mailman thinks that timezone is GMT+3. All the mailman-generated messages (moderation requests, errors, reminders and so on) looks like the time is +1h in future. E.g.

Return-Path: <mailman-boun...@domain.ru>
Received: from gate2.solvo.ru (gate2-vlan10.solvo.ru [])
         by hippo.solvo.ru (Cyrus v2.2.12-Invoca-RPM-2.2.12-8.1.RHEL4) with 
         Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:54:42 +0400
X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
Received: from gate2.solvo.ru (localhost.localdomain [])
        by gate2.solvo.ru (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2ADCC52E802D
        for <listmas...@solvo.ru>; Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:54:42 +0400 (MSK)
Subject: =?koi8-r?b?7sXEz9PUwdfMxc7Oz8UgydrXxd3FzsnFIM/CIM/bycLLxQ==?=
From: mailman-boun...@solvo.ru
To: all-ow...@solvo.ru
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============0258393610=="
Message-ID: <mailman.20.1319111680.3169....@solvo.ru>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:54:40 +0300
Precedence: bulk
X-BeenThere: a...@solvo.ru
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.14
List-Id: =?koi8-r?b?6c7Gz9LNwcPJ0SDEzNEg19PFyCDTz9TS1cTOycvP1yDz7+z37w==?=
X-List-Administrivia: yes
Errors-To: mailman-boun...@solvo.ru
Sender: mailman-boun...@solvo.ru

Local time in mailman logs are still correct:

Oct 20 15:54:42 2011 (3173) <mailman.20.1319111680.3169....@solvo.ru> smtp to all for 1 recips, completed in 0.102 seconds

Oct 20 15:54:40 2011 (3169) all: bounce message w/no discernable addresses: <35292842.20111020185...@87.subnet125-163-181.speedy.telkom.net. Oct 20 15:54:40 2011 (3169) all: forwarding unrecognized, message-id: <35292842.20111020185...@87.subnet125-163-181.speedy.telkom.net.id>

We are using mailman for years without such a problem before. All other software run at this host now have the correct understanding the local time as MSK standard time = GMT+4

[root@gate2 mailman]# date '+%Z %::z'
MSK +04:00:00

I found the similar mailman bug #266314 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/266314) but it was years ago and was fixed at version 2.1.7.

Now we run mailman 2.1.14 with Python 2.4.3 under Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (a clone of RHEL5)

Regards, Ivan Kuznetsov
St.Petersburg, Russia
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