On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:37:42 -0700, you wrote:

>>Did I forget to check or report on anything?
>Well, you never answered the questions I asked at
>so we don't know what was wrong there, but presumably, you don't care
>as you reversed whatever you did and it's working now.

Actually, I didn't "reverse" anything. You asked:

>So what add_virtualhost() did you put in mm_cfg.py?

I actually tried, and backed out, two things before coming for help to
this list, both of which made things worse! I tried
add_virtualhost('www.theglobalvoice.info', 'www.theglobalvoice.info'),
and the same line without the "www.". Adding this line gave me the
"You hit a bug" message in the Web create UI, which is why I backed it
out and set things back the way they'd been.


>What is in Mailman's error log corresponding to the "we hit a bug"?

I don't know because I don't know enough about Mailman to have even
had a chance to look. There's one thing about all of this you don't
know because I haven't mentioned it, and it goes back to when I said I
don't even know what I don't know. While I've been tasked to keeping
theglobalvoice.info running, my only credentials for doing so are that
I'm reasonably good at learning quickly--I am not a *ux system or site
administrator of any stripe. Ask me lots of questions about VAX/Alpha
VMS and I can talk your ear off, as that's what I've spent the last 30
years doing professionally. Show me a *ux system prompt and the first
thing I know to do is "man {something}", and if that doesn't solve
whatever is wrong, I start Googling until I find something to at least
try. I'd gotten to that point and figured out it probably had
something to do with add_virtualhost, but not understanding (until
now) exactly what that directive does, I was floundering. Apparently
my predecessor, someone actually far more qualified to do this job
than I, either didn't know about the proper use of add_virtualhost, or
was happy enough with using the command-line `newlist' to create new
mailing lists, because there are eight of them already on the system
running successfully. The site owner told me that she always knew
there was a problem with the Web UI, but the previous techie guy had a
workaround for it--namely, using `newlist' as root. I, being the type
who doesn't like loose ends or unsolved mysteries, stuck my neck out
and said I'd fix it ... and you know the rest.
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