That didn't seem to help either. This is what is in

# Directives for the mailman web interface

RewriteEngine              On
RewriteCond     %{HTTPS}   Off
RewriteRule     ^(.*)$     https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R,L]
Alias /pipermail/ "/var/lib/mailman/archives/public/"
ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/"

# For the archives

<Directory "/var/lib/mailman/archives/public">
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

On 5/21/2012 4:38 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Dennis Putnam wrote:
>> I did not quite understand the looping caveat in option one
>> so I tried the rewrite rule in option 2. That did not seem to do
>> anything but there was no indication in the instructions where that
>> should go. I have a .conf file that loads the SSL module and sets up the
>> certificates. I added the rewrite code to that file.
> That's not where it belongs. One place to put it would be just ahead of
> wherever you have your Alias /pipermail/ and ScriptAlias /mailman/
> mailman directives in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/mailman or wherever they are.

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