
 > I’m attempting to bring it up on a new box with a yum-supplied copy
 > of mailman rather than the old-fashioned hand install.

Some systems put the configs and so on in a different place from the
"standard" mailman install.  I infer that you have the right place,
but please confirm.  On my Debian system, list configs look like


and I've never seen a system that didn't conform to the
.../mailman/lists/LISTNAME/config.pck pattern.

 > The yum-supplied new mailman version is not the same as the version
 > on the old server,

How old was the old Mailman?  AFAIK old configs should automatically
be upgraded if necessary when you upgrade Mailman, unless they're very
very old (< 2.1.9 at a guess).

 > But the old archive lists, in the same directory with the same
 > permissions, are not showing up.

Please clarify what you mean by "old archive lists not showing up."
What's not showing up?  The list archives?  The public lists in the
mailman/listinfo page in the admin website?  It doesn't deliver posts
to those lists?  More than one of the above (please specify)?
Something else?

 > Is there some pck database file I need to upgrade or massage to
 > have the old lists be recognized?

No, Mailman 2.1 recognizes lists by the presence of a config.pck file
in the lists/<list-name> directory.  If you have the right place and
the version of Mailman that created the configs was not locally
modified and not decades old, it should recognize those configs.


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