We have been running Mailman 2.1.18-1 for a long time, on a Centos 7 system with sendmail. We do a yum update every few months. Coincident with the last one, which included a kernel update to 3.10, mailman stopped working, posts are bounced back with this message:

    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|/etc/smrsh/mailman post ampex"
     (reason: 1)
     (expanded from: <am...@lena.recordist.com>)

    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
post script, list not found: ampex
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 1

Mailman log says the same thing,

Aug 18 05:46:09 2016 post(1452): post script, list not found: ampex

Maillog says

Aug 19 13:29:43 lena sendmail[10931]: u7JKTgkW010930: to="|/etc/smrsh/mailman post ampex", ctladdr=<am...@recordist.com> (8/0), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, pri=32792, dsn=5.3.0, stat=unknown mailer error 1

Qrunner is running, sendmail is working normally. SELinux is disabled. There is nothing but default in mm_cfg.py, which hasn't changed since 2015.

The yum update can't be rolled back because of the kernel upgrade.

I noticed that the symbolic link in /etc/smrsh was touched about the same time as the update.

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