I run a couple of small lists and for some time have been getting bounces from 
my outgoing server saying I am exceeding the maximum # of emails per hour.


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a temporary error. The following address(es) deferred:

   Domain mydomain.ca has exceeded the max emails per hour (112/100 (112%)) 
allowed.  Message will be reattempted later


I have no control over the outgoing server and only minimal control over the 
Mailman installation. Its on a web host. The emails do eventually go through 
but I get notifications for every single one that is deferred.

Is there any way I can slow down the delivery rate so it is below the 100 / 
hour threshold?

Thanks -Rob-
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