
I've learned this lesson the hard way. Back in early 2011 I signed up with a company called Serverpronto where I could get my own dedicated server. Their terms of service were very clear on the fact that they have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to spammers, and all the horrible things they would do to you if you even thought about getting any of their network on any Email blacklists. Well I signed up, moved lists over, and five days later I started getting bounces left and right because my IP was on blacklists. I assume it wasn't my specific IP but an IP range. I contacted support, and they did…absolutely nothing about it! They weren't willing to investigate, they weren't willing to contact the blacklists on my behalf since "they never respond," etc. I ended up leaving them and switching to Linode. They've since merged with another outfit I think, but unless they've straightened their act up big time, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone!

Just goes to show, the terms of service can be all "We hate spammers just as much as you do, and if we find out you're a spammer we'll do unspeakable things," but it might not mean a thing.


On 10/7/2018 4:25 PM, Mike Starr wrote:
On 10/7/2018 1:25 PM, John Levine wrote:
It may well not be you.  Linode does a poor job of keeping their
network clean of spammers and other miscreants.  They always kick them
off when you report it, but by then it's too late, so their whole
network has an iffy reputation.

Linode's hosting is nothing special, either in features or price.  You
might consider moving your system somewhere else that manages their
network better.
And there's the problem... you can switch hosts but not know if they manager their network better until you know they don't because your email gets blocked. Like they say in the pool hall, poke and hope. Unless there's some way to shop for a hosting company on the basis of their "network reputation." As far as hosting companies go, like the rotisserie ad said, I just want to set it and forget it.

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