
I've been using .forward to forward Email from some user mailboxes to other addresses. Normally this works just fine, but a few weeks ago a situation happened which demonstrates how it can be an epic fail. I had a Mailman/DNS problem after upgrading a lot of packages. A message came in, Mailman couldn't properly look up the DMARC policy of the sending ISP, didn't munge the From: and sent the message on its way, and of course the message was from AOL, just about everybody rejected it, I woke up to fifty-five bounce reports…and all those bounce reports were also forwarded to an Email account on an Internet by telephone service, where deleting them was extremely slow.

What I'm looking for is possibly something that checks mailboxes from time to time, and forwards all incoming messages that meet certain parameters, taking care of DMARC difficulties along the way so the forwarded messages will be accepted by the remote servers. E.G. my mom uses that net by phone service, and would like to see Email which comes to her regular Email address, but doesn't want to spend time deleting Amazon order confirmations, Mailman moderation notices, and other routine, automated, or irrelevant messages. Does such a thing exist?

Thanks for any help,


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