I fiddled around with adding a timestamp to the (threaded) view and
therefore edited HyperArch.py and archidxentry.html

In HyperArch.py I changed the following lines at aroudn line 1073 as

d = {
            'filename': urllib.quote(article.filename),
            'subject':  subject,
            'sequence': article.sequence,
            'date':     time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
            'author':   author

archidxentry.html looks like this:

<LI> %(date)s&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="%(filename)s">%(subject)s
</A><A NAME="%(sequence)i">&nbsp;</A>

However, see that the thread in the archive of my list is indented at level
3. The thread should be at the very left of the screen (where the bullet
points typically start), but this is not the case as can be seen on the
screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ab9WSuz

I inspected the HTML code and can see that there are three <ul> tags before
the first entry starts. However, I don't know where they come from. As can
be seen above, they are not part of archidxentry.html. I also took a look
at archidxhead.html and archliststart.html, but have seen nothing
suspicious there.

Can you help me please?
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