Allan Hansen writes:

 > [ABH] The “From:” should contain the author address, but if we want to
 > keep our Yahoo/AOL subscribers…

Exactly.  This is what we economists call the Theorem of the Second
Best: When it's already broken, sometimes the best you can do is to
break it harder.

 > [ABH] That’s not a bad idea, Stephen. I could try that. And yes, we are very
 > protective of our lists, so “Reply-To:” is the author address.
 > When I get Mailman 3 set up, I’ll put in an ‘oopsie’ address with
 > an auto-responder. I’ll assume that Mailman 3 will be able to detect
 > auto-responder infinite loops. :-)

Without change to the Mailman code (Mailman 2 or Mailman 3), the
"oopsie" address will have to be handled by a separate autoresponder.
Mailman only knows about the standard addresses, and it doesn't allow
configuration of autoresponder features beyond "on" and "off".

 > I’m a bit red in the face that I did not think of that, but what
 > are friends for!

"Mail is hard, and then you retire."  From "The Sysadmin's Lament".

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