Steven Jones writes:
 > I get this failure message,
 > ===
 > [root@vuwunicomailmp1 system]# pwd
 > /usr/lib/systemd/system
 > [root@vuwunicomailmp1 system]# for X in mailman-*.timer ; do systemctl 
 > enable $X && systemctl start $X ; done
 > Invalid unit name "mailman-*.timer" was escaped as "mailman-\x2a.timer" 
 > (maybe you should use systemd-escape?)
 > Failed to enable unit: Unit file mailman-\x2a.timer does not exist.
 > [root@vuwunicomailmp1 system]#
 > ===
 > help please.

That's a Red Hat problem.  Apparently systemd expected to find a set
of files matching the glob "mailman-*.timer" somewhere, and they
weren't there. Fixing this will require knowledge of Red Hat package
software layout that I don't have.

That is not a Mailman-supplied set of files, it's some sort of
automation supplied by Red Hat.  I'm not even sure what it does; it
might be the standard Mailman cron jobs, but the extension ".timer"
makes me unsure.  ".timer" may be a systemd-ism for cron jobs, but I'm
not a Red Hat user so that's purely a guess.

Maybe somebody else here can provide real help, but I would advise
going to Red Hat support for this for quicker response.  Not sure what
Abhilash uses, but Mark is mostly Debian/Ubuntu I think, and he's on
vacation in a Internet-free zone for the next week.


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