On 11/17/20 9:21 PM, Michael Reeder LCPC -- Hygeia Regular wrote:
> Okay, upon reflection I think I figured out what happened here.  I
> replied to an existing thread but deleted the entirety of the message
> thread and changed the subject entirely.  I thought that started a new
> message thread but perhaps the list software registers that as a reply
> to an existing thread.  I organize my email client by date and not by
> thread so I would not see this.  Apologizes to all if this is the case.

When you reply to a message, your Mail client adds an In-Reply-To:
header in your post even if you change the Subject: and message body. It
is the In-Reply-To header that says this is a reply to a message in the
existing thread.

> I'm told by my list subscriber the following:
> a. He thinks that the Digest message formatting is messed-up as it
> originally comes from the list, but he is not sure (reply messages might
> be messing up the formatting).
> b. He is using iPhone and Outlook for Apple email clients.
> c. He is also experiencing quote marks (") and apostrophes (') being
> turned into question marks (?) throughout the text of digest messages.
> Is this mess a function of his Apple email clients, or a problem that
> rests with the Mailman list management software?

The replacement of quote marks (") and apostrophes (') with question
marks (?) is an issue with the mail client that creates the message. The
issue is they aren't ascii quotes and apostrophes. The quotes are
unicode left and right double quotes and the apostrophes are unicode
right single quotes. These characters are not ascii so they are replaced
by question marks in an ascii plain text digest. They should render OK
in messages in a MIME format digest, but then the pnone client may not
do a reasonable job of rendering a MIME format digest.

As far as whether the digest formatting is "messed up", I'd need to see
an actual digest message to comment further.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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