Eva Isaksson writes:

 > Now, setting up Postfix was not too big a problem, but getting it to work
 > with mailman has been challenging. Particularly, genaliases gives me a
 > traceback like this:

[traceback trimmed]

 >   File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Utils.py", line 799, in get_site_email
 >     hostname = mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOSTS.get(get_domain(), get_domain())
 >   File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Utils.py", line 794, in get_domain
 >     return hostname.lower()
 > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'

get_domain is returning None, which means that the OS environment
variables HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME are not set (this is normal) and
DEFAULT_URL and DEFAULT_URL_HOST (set in mm_cfg.py) are also None.
DEFAULT_URL is obsolete and normally is None, DEFAULT_URL_HOST should
be a string (enclosed in quotes), and defaults to 'localhost'.  You
should check what these variables are in mm_cfg.py, and if neither is
present in mm_cfg.py, what they are in Defaults.py (you should never
edit Defaults.py because it will get overwritten on upgrade).

 > I'm getting no alias files in the /var/lib/mailman/data/ directory, and my
 > list addresses are not working:
 > <"|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test-list"@ardbeg.xxxxxx.net>
 > (expanded
 >     from <test-l...@ardbeg.xxxxxx.net>): unknown user:
 >     "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test-list"

I'm not very familiar with Postfix configuration (Exim user), but
pretty clearly the aliases are getting written somehow.

The alias apparently contains quotation marks, but it should not.  I
don't know whether some program is generating them that way, or if you
put them in.

It's perfectly acceptable to us for you to post your Postfix
configuration files and mm_cfg.py, but you may consider some of the
information (including but not limited to domain names and list names)
sensitive.  If so, you should redact sensitive information by
substituting fake names, or if necessary, Mark and I accept private
mail.  (The technical conversation will continue on list; private mail
is just a way to keep private information out of the public archives.)

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