I forwarded only one of the bounces, check the list on this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/auuylwltwjpvqxo/MM2.jpg?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/auuylwltwjpvqxo/MM2.jpg?dl=0> The attachment mentions the following and it's different for each bounce. Mainly *Lost connection while receiving the initial server greeting*. I have never encountered such bounces with my regular email, that's why I was pointing to MM, but I maybe wrong.

<###@videotron.ca>: lost connection with mx.videotron.ca[]
    while receiving the initial server greeting

<###@videotron.ca>: lost connection with
    mx.videotron.ca[] while receiving the initial server greeting

<###@videotron.ca>: lost connection with mx.videotron.ca[]
    while receiving the initial server greeting

<###@msn.com>: lost connection with
    msn-com.olc.protection.outlook.com[] while receiving the
    initial server greeting

<###@rogers.com>: lost connection with
    mx-rogers.mail.am0.yahoodns.net[] while receiving the initial
    server greeting

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote on 3/22/2021 11:35 AM:
Vako Nicolian writes:

  > Today suddenly all my member emails bounced as you see a sample
  > below.
  > What happened and how can I fix it?

This seems very unlikely to be a mailman problem at all.

If for some reason somebody tries to blame it on Mailman and you want
more help, please be more precise about "all my member emails".  What
we see here is *one* post that bounced for a list of *several* email
addresses.  I don't want to guess whether you mean *all* posts are
bouncing to *everyone* or that it's a subset of posts or a subset of
addresses that are bouncing -- there are various mechanisms that could
cause the problem, and the exact set of mails that are bouncing will
help to distinguish them.

  > This is the mail system at host relay.mailchannels.net.

You expect mailchannels.net to be handling your outgoing mail, is that


  > <zaven...@msn.com>: lost connection with
  >      msn-com.olc.protection.outlook.com[] while receiving the
  >      initial server greeting

This is from the MTA at mailchannels, so I can't be 100% sure, but it
looks like the remotes are rejecting your mail as soon as
relay.mailchannels.net tries to connect, and they don't actually talk
to relay at all.  The remotes have definitely not seen your mail, so
it cannot be a DKIM, DMARC, or content filtering problem, and if
"initial server greeting" means what I think it does, it hasn't seen
HELO yet so it's not SPF either.

The problem with this email is a mailchannels problem.  If others are
bouncing in different ways, it might be something else, even Mailman.


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