
I have a strange one here. Earlier this evening I received a report that one particular subscriber wasn't receiving messages from one of my lists. I knew I wasn't getting any bounce notices, so I decided to look at the server logs. I saw messages being received from him when he sent mail, but never saw any mail actually going to him. Could he have somehow been put on no mail? Checked, nope. Same for digest. At a loss, I unsubscribed and resubscribed his address. The unsubscribe message went out, but the welcome message didn't. I posted a test message to the list, and though his address was listed in the Sendmail outgoing queue for a while, the Sendmail logs never showed the message going out to him. I discovered that the first letter of his address was capitalized, so I unsubscribed him again, and resubscribed him again, this time with the address in all lower case. The welcome message went out this time, as did my subsequent test message to the list. Has anyone else had this happen, or does anyone know what's going on here?



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