stinga wrote:
> On 05/06/2021 04:20, Kenneth Kron wrote:
> > My hosting seems to be permanently banned by Yahoo and today Comcast 
> > started bouncing them.
> >
> > I worked on the yahoo problem for a week with tech support and they never 
> > seemed to make any progress.   Yesterday<>  
> > started bouncing with an RBL notice.
> > I???m ready to move my mailing list but I???m not sure where to and I???m 
> > wondering how common this problem is and how to select a provider that is 
> > capable of keeping my mailing list of the RBL???s.
> G'day,
> I went through this issue and managed to get off the RBL's and then back 
> on again.

I've seen similar. Worst are extortionists: Sorbs.

> Do you send out monthly reminders? If you do, do you remove those that 
> bounce? I do.
> In some cases I have removed the monthly reminder.

I append an automatic footer with list URL for unsub.
as many list readers too clueless to use headers eg:
        List-unsubscribe: <http://mailman.domain/mailman/options/test>,
        List-help: <mailto:test-request@mailman.domain?subject=help>

> I believe ISP's are getting stronger on bouncing messages and it maybe 
> that you get caught up in too many bounces. I don't have proof of that.
> I also think people sign up for lists, forget they have done so.
> Some are basically idiots and mark your list email as spam because they 
> can't be bothered to unsubscribe and that ends up blocking an IP.

I've had some claim to be programmers, yet so dumb they didnt know
how to mail Ascii to majordomo@ & so self important they refused
to unsub themselves, who threatened then false registered the lists
server as a spammer.

I migrated from majordomo to Mailman, to stop clueless idiots, lazy
& malicious wasting admin time. I never tried the MajorCool web
interface to majordomo.
PS Sadly, are abandonning Mailman-2 for mlmmj !

> I now delete any bounced message, working on the premise if they want 
> the emails they will resubscribe.

That can be inconvenient:
- Mailman automaticly unsubscribes if too many bounces in a period,
  the parameters ara adjustable per list. 
- I use procmail to filter bounce warnings.
- I'm on about ~100 lists, & recently had an outage, i appreciated not 
  being quickly struck off busy lists.

Julian Stacey  Unreliable spam black list extorter.
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