On 4/1/22 10:57, Bruce Johnson via Mailman-Users wrote:
I would like to enable a particular list to automatically accept postings from 
any address in our top level domain, eg: anyone with an @*.arizona.edu address

would I just enter ^@*.arizona.edu in the "List of non-member addresses whose 
postings should be automatically accepted.” box?

Would that include usern...@arizona.edu as well or do I need to add 
^@arizona.edu ?

regexes are not remotely my strong suit.

The regexp you want is


This will match any address ending in `arizona.edu` immediately preceded by `@` or `.`. Essentially what that regexp says is start at the beginning of the string, match zero or more characters followed by `@` or `.` followed by `arizona.edu` at the end of the string.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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