
I run a relatively low traffic Email list on my VPS at Linode. Twice within the last two weeks, I've received an Email from st...@hotmail.com with the subject "Complaint about message from XX.XX.XX.XX" where XX.XX.XX.XX is my IP. I'm signed up for Microsoft's Junkmail Reporting Program, and this is the first time I've ever received a complaint from them. Using message headers, I've identified the complainant to be the same list member both times. The actual Emails from st...@hotmail.com have nothing in the body, and the complained about message as an attachment.

Obviously I can't have complaints tarnishing my Email sending reputation, so I contacted her to see if she was legitimately marking messages as spam/junk, or was doing it by accident, etc. Her response is that she has never marked any Emails from my list as spam or junk. In case it matters as far as the user interface goes, her Email address is at the msn.com domain. Obviously *something* has to be causing complaints to be generated, so if she's not doing it, what could be causing this? Are there any automated processes at Microsoft that could cause a complaint of this type to be generated? Is she somehow marking messages as spam or junk without realizing it?

Thanks for any thoughts,


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