
Last week I wrote this list about a situation where I'd received an Email from st...@hotmail.com with the subject, "complaint about message from MYI.PAD.DRE.SS." Then later I received a second such message, identified both complainants as the same person, let her know she'd be put on No Mail if she did it again, and received a response from her saying she's never marked one of my messages as spam or junk.

The other night I received a third such complaint, duly put her on No Mail, and sent her an Email about it. At that point, I was pretty sure these complaints were being generated by some automated process, since they always came in within two to four minutes of the original messages going out. However, this theory was somewhat squashed when she supposedly complained about the very message telling her that due to complaints she was on No Mail…then responded, indicating she has COVID-19 and is putting off everything not critical until later. I sent that message yesterday morning, and the complaint came in this evening, with her response coming about twenty minutes later. This makes me think she's doing something to cause a complaint to be generated, and doesn't realize she's doing it. My questions are as follows:

1. Is Linode, my VPS provider, also receiving these complaints? If so, I'm surprised they haven't at least sent me a notice telling me about them.

2. Does anyone know if having received these complaints might cause Microsoft to be more likely to add my IP to their infamous block list? If they do, I'm going to be in a bad position, because they'd be well within their rights to say, "You've received four complaints within the last three weeks, so no, we won't mitigate anything for you. Get your Email sending practices in order, then maybe someday we'll talk."

3. I haven't ever received such complaints before this situation started on March 24. Is Microsoft noted for somehow generating spurious complaints like this? If so, is that the reason I'm not getting hounded about it from Linode, the "Little Boy who Cried Wolf" situation?

Thanks for any thoughts,


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