Answer I can provide that usefully add value are listed below:

I actually precisely wrote what I did.  I started reverse engineering how to 
solve the problem, using my other two preexisting lists.  One was already 
'public' (meaning browsable).  Since I could delete the footer on that one 
without changing to browsable, I tried eliminating the footer on the other 
non-browsable list by changing it to browsable.  That worked, but I couldn't do 
the same magic on the non-browsable list I wanted to change, apparently because 
of the same bug.  

The fact that all three browsers installed on my PC demonstrate the same 
misbehaviour suggest it is indeed NOT a browser issue.

You asked about how mailman is installed.   This is a shared server running 
Plesk.  I have the right to install my own applications that are available as 
installable packages.  Once these are installed, I get nagged *frequently* 
about upgrading these packages I install to the most recent version.  But 
mailman is part of the base package, so I never get invited to update that one. 
 I have suggested to the service provider that they do this, but so far they're 
just thinking about it.  They asked for access to the list so they could see 
the behavior themselves.   

To pick up on what Carl Zwanzig wrote and synthesize it with what you wrote, 
the bug is probably in the code implementing the actions of the 'Submit my 
changes' button.   I suppose that would be the next place to look, but I 
thought that, since this problem had been around so long, someone would know a 
workaround that would save me an extended session of webpage archaeology.   

Heck, if I knew where the footer data was stored, I'd be happy to go in and 
edit the file by hand, the web page be damned.  I just want to get this 
delivered and out of the way.  Watch it probably be in some DB for which there 
was never any compelling need.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sapiro <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 July 2023 22:39
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman 2.1.15 doesn't allow admin changes on 
private lists

On 7/5/23 1:27 AM, Charles Buckley wrote:
> I experimented with this a bit, and found that I could eliminate the footer 
> on my public (browsable) list on the same server. So I tried converting my 
> other private (non-browsable) list to be browsable, at which point I could 
> eliminate the footer, and then switch the list back to being non-browsable.

You said in a reply that on this list you actually needed to set the list 
`public` before you could successfully change msg_footer.

> But once I tried to implement the workaround on the non-browsable list I 
> wanted to change, I got the same defective behaviour when trying to switch 
> the list to be browsable -- I would get redirected to the admin login page 
> for the list in question, log in successfully, only to come back and find 
> myself on the same privacy page, with no changes having been made.

This is quit strange. The behavior you observe is a result of your login 
cookie being lost. I could conjecture that there's something in the 
browser that's not saving the cookie when this list's name is in the 
URL, but the fact that you can make some changes to the other list 
including switching it from private to public but can change msg_footer 
only when it's public belies that.

> I have also posted this as a bug via the Mailman launchpad.  This behaviour 
> appears to be browser-independent; I have tried it on Firefox, Chrome, and 
> Edge.

More confirmation that it's not a browser issue. I have added a comment 
to your bug report to see this thread.

Do you know how Mailman is installed on the server? Is it from source or 
a third party package? I can't see anything in the admin UI code that 
would effectively log you out upon submission of an update form, but 
this is what's happening. Either your login cookie is being removed or 
for some reason, not being saved.

Normally, I would suspect the issues in the FAQ at 
<>, but those normally affect all changes 
to all lists, so that may not be relevant here.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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