Seeds of Success writes:

 > For the last two months or so, the emails that I send out on the
 > mailman list do not get sent out to the subscribers, but do show up
 > on the archived threads. I am not very mailman savvy, and have
 > recently taken over admin roles from someone else. Any guidance on
 > how I might address the issue would be appreciated!

1.  Have you tried restarting Mailman?
2.  If you did, and that didn't work, did you try rebooting?
3.  Is there anything in any of the queue directories
    ($var_dir/queue/*)?  $var_dir is often /var/lib/mailman, but other
    directories are used.
    If they are in .../shunt or in .../bad, there's something complex
    going on, but if they're in the other queue directories restarting
    Mailman should clear them out.
4.  Is your MTA running (if other mail is going out, it is)?
5.  Is mail piling up in the MTA queue (most mail systems have a
    "mailq" command to check this)?
6.  Is it happening at a specific recipient domain?  Gmail (and maybe
    other Google sites) are famous for suddenly deciding to eat all
    your list mail without telling you.  They're not the only ones who
    do it, just particularly famous.
7.  If you have a smarthost (outgoing mail gateway) configured, check
    the same things as for 4 and 5.

There are other things to check but that should keep you busy for a
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