Hello everyone,

I don't do well at keeping up with lists due to work volume these days but am about to completely give up on Spamsieve, which I've used since it first launched. Despite endless training and retraining, resetting and so on, it's almost completely random what gets labelled as spam and frankly it's easier to delete it manually. I came here hoping to find discussion about what is going on but I don't see a lot:(

I suspect this is from my going from an old mac Pro on Mojave to an M1 Mac mini around Xmas. If anyone has any bright ideas please let me know but I've gone through the spamsieve manual, reset it all, reinstalled, pretty much everything I can find as suggestions and am tired of retrieving more good messages (usually with whitelisted emails and so on) than spam from Junk.

I realise this sounds like a rant; it's not - it's a note so that if someone else is going through this, they know they're not alone and it's apparently not easy to solve!


On 30 Apr 2021, at 17:02, Martin S Taylor wrote:

What's the right way to remove an email from the Junk filter and simultaneously update SpamSieve's whitelist? I'm finding emails from the same sender keep getting put into junk. I'm clearly doing something wrong.

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