On 4 Jun 2012, at 23:38, Joachim Tingvold wrote:

> On 4 Jun 2012, at 21:20, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote:
>> Timezone? You mean the time of day?
> I mean the "GMT+02:00" part of the time.

I don't see that. Try going to the ?International? system 
preferences pane and see what your settings are for the time of day. I'm 
guessing it includes the time zone. I doubt that is the default 
(Norwegian?) setting, but maybe I am wrong. Do you have any idea why the 
time zone is included?

>> The first row is the format used for the date (left aligned), and the 
>> second row is the format used for the time of day (right aligned). 
>> The ?Yesterday/Today? stuff is handled separately. If I 
>> understand you correctly you want to disable ?Yesterday/Today? 
>> and always disable the time of day?
> I currently have the width so that I get "Today/Yesterday", and 
> "YYYY/MM/DD" on the rest. This works nicely, but I'd like to replace 
> "Today" with "HH:MM" (or even "HH:MM:SS"), and replace "Yesterday" 
> with "YYYY/MM/DD". I know, it's just nitpick, so it's not the biggest 
> issue of them all.

Using the system preferences and an appropriate width you might be able 
to get ?Today HH:MM:SS?. Would that be sufficient or do you still 
prefer dates instead of Today/Yesterday? (That could be a simple hidden 
setting, but I kind of doubt a lot of people would find it useful.)

>> Yes, but it is a hidden/experimental feature. It is possible to make 
>> MailMate run a script on the body of a message before replying to it 
>> (also before displaying it). This is part of what I hope is going to 
>> be a very central part of MailMate in the future (customization via 
>> scripts either explicitly executed or triggered by events such as 
>> replying).
> Ohhh, sweet! Then one could write scripts to strip away parts that 
> Outlook and other stupid clients make as well. Awesome (-:

Great. A volunteer for a future set of signature stripping scripts ;-)

>> I might have time later tonight or tomorrow to provide a script which 
>> would do what you want (and which would work with the current version 
>> of MailMate).
> No worries -- it's not a big thing. Would be sweet, though (-:
> Oh, and thanks for fast replies.

No problem. I have attached a file which should be put in the following 

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Scripts/

You must restart MailMate to make it work. Consider it a temporary 
solution since I'm still in the process of changing how scripts and 
commands are going to work in the future.

Note that there is no way to disable the script when running into a 
false-positive (stripping more than the signature). This is the main 
reason that something like this is not enabled by default. MailMate also 
includes a script for stripping mailing list banners which is disabled 
for the same reason. You can find it in the application bundle and copy 
it to the location above if you want to try it out.

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