
Looks like it's working now, thanks!


On 6 Jan 2014, at 4:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Jan 2014, at 6:05, Joshua Kehn wrote:

I'm having an issue creating new tags or labels. Currently my gmail accounts return this:

S: H11 BAD Invalid Arguments: Label name is not allowed: todos
Error: Server response: “H11 BAD Invalid Arguments: Label name is not allowed: todos”.

Here's how I've setup tags:

That \ before the IMAP keyword is something I tried because I saw other keywords had that. I'm not exactly a power IMAP user yet so I will be making some mistakes here.

Don't use the `\`. This is reserved for standard-defined IMAP keywords.

Question is, why is that label name not allowed, why isn't it using the Gmail label instead, and what can I do to fix this?

I just tried with a label named “todomail” and that was not a problem. Then I tried “todos” and that failed just like it did for you. Apparently Gmail disallows certain label names. It would be nice if that was documented somewhere...

Ah, Google to the rescue (kind of ironic). I found this [link]( Apparently “todos” means “All Mail” in Spanish/Portuguese... I guess that provides an implicit list of all illegal Gmail label names: Any standard Gmail mailbox name in any language supported by Gmail. Theoretically, this means they cannot add any new languages without making some existing mailbox names illegal. I'm sure someone at Google has regretted this design decision (although I understand their reasoning).

The best way to create a label might be to create it using Gmail on the web. I assume any illegal label names are then immediately rejected.

You may want to enable the “Raw Flags” column in the messages outline to see what has been assigned to your messages while experimenting.

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