
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Billy Youdelman <bi...@mix.com> wrote:
> Greetings -
> I'm curious if anyone besides me would be interested in a MailMate option to
> use an external text editor for composing messages?  After about 40 years of
> using DEC's keypad controlled text editor, and having recently taken the VMS
> cluster down, this is something I now really wish I still had available.  I
> do have a very decent emulation of it (jed) running on OS X, and it's easy
> to call, at least from non-GUI programs.  But, MailMate is far superior to
> mutt, et al., so I thought I'd see if there's enough demand to make it worth
> implementing.  As well, Text Wrangler/BB Edit are wonderful editors for
> those who prefer GUI tools, and there is no shortage of other good character
> cell and GUI text editors.

These are already available. If I'm not mistaken, there are bundles
that allow you to edit/compose a message in Aquamacs, TextMate and
SublimeText and you can take these as inspiration for creating a
bundle for the editor of your choice.

The mailing list has more info about these. The most recent thread
about this topic starts here:

If you search the list, you should find some more.


Steve Lianoglou
Computational Biologist
mailmate mailing list

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