On 5 Sep 2014, at 0:57, John Grasty wrote:

Benny and Bill,

Thanks. Mr. Cole, you nailed it. I changed from opensmtpd (which I love) to postfix, and I went from an outsourced spam filtering to ASSP, a behemoth of a perl script that is a "transparent" proxy. So far it has done a great job at filtering, but this certainly seems to be their problem.

I will do some additional debugging to narrow down which failure it is (I suspect the former), and try to hound them to fix it.

There are inherently hard problems with transparent SMTP proxies, some of which can be avoided by carefully harmonizing proxy & MTA settings. There's probably more hope for making ASSP work than Cisco's knob-free kludge.

Bill, as you seem to be quite knowledgeable in this arena, what is your preferred server side spam handling technique? Off list reply is fine.

[Replying on-list, since it may be useful for MailMate users more generally ]

CAVEAT: I have made my living for over 2 decades in part by managing mail servers, have spent some of that time highly focused on spam, and my primary email address has a remarkable amount of spam (and little else) directed to it, so my preferences are more than slightly biased by an immersion that makes me blind to ease-of-use.

I work with multiple MTAs that use different toolsets, with a common theme of layered spam control: any good MTA can handle some filtering itself cheaply, policy and content filters hooked into MTAs can do more complicated things that may be more resource-intensive, and ultimately some spam/ham discrimination is left to client-side tools and/or human eyes after delivery.

My favorite server-side tool stack is Postfix, MIMEDefang, and SpamAssassin. MD is a 'milter' that can also be used with Sendmail and anything else implementing Sendmail's milter interface. MD loads the SA modules for content filtering, can interface to other tools such as AV scanners, has its own mature MIME-based message manipulation functions (the origin of its name), and is designed to be customized via Perl functions that are called at the different phases of an SMTP transaction. While MD itself is useful for custom "policy" filtering, most of what I use it for is SA scoring. SA has a strong default configuration but it really shines when adjusted to a specific local mailstream: rule score adjustments, custom rules, white/black lists, auto-whitelisting, and some mechanism for feeding its Bayesian database wisely and regularly. I use the MD+SA combo with Sendmail as well and manage CommuniGate Pro servers that use SA via its spamd/spamc interface and a custom "Helper" linkage.

For post-delivery client-side tools, I don't have a single preference because I don't use any myself. One of the few things that Mail.app seems to do well is its internal Bayesian(ish) filtering and for MailMate the obvious choice is SpamSieve.

There are common features one should NOT use in spam filtering:

1. Server-side "SMTP Callback" a.k.a. "Sender Address Verification". I believe this was on by default in early versions of ASSP but it is inherently a bad idea: just don't do it. 2. Anything in a client filter that attempts to fake a "bounce" to the sender of spam, as that really can't be done correctly after delivery, is unlikely to actually go anywhere useful, and may be treated as spam itself. 3. Automated "Challenge/Response" auto-replies send to previously to unknown senders. As with 1 & 2, this sends garbage to impersonated 3rd parties innocent of the spam prompting it. 4. If your mail server has a "learning" mechanism fed by particular folders or IMAP keywords, DO NOT let a client-side tool (e.g. SpamSieve) automatically mimic what a user would do to "mark as spam" or "mark as non-spam" for training the server's database. Those functions for Bayesian and similar server-side systems are designed for human-judged input to reverse misclassifications, not "second opinions" from other (maybe dumber) software. Really smart providers who offer training functions have distinctions between the spam judgments of server tools, client tools, and actual humans.
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