On 3 Oct 2014, at 15:03, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Is there a way to sort my folders based on unread count ?


or if not for folders, at least for the autogenerated subfolders ?


The non-trivial part of an implementation would be to make it efficient to dynamically update the subfolders. Since it's unlikely I'll have time for that soon then here is a quick hack *for the next test release*:

        defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSortSubmailboxesByCount -bool YES

I believe the sorting is only updated if mailboxes are added/removed (or you change the submailbox settings).

I got 12142 unread mails and would like to know which folder carries the biggest burden ;)

You appear to have bigger problems than the sorting of subfolders ;-)

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