On 27 Nov 2014, at 18:13, Sebastian Poll wrote:

To be honest I may be just using this wrong. I always changed the subject or removed the quoted text. I never used mailing lists before...

You did fine. You cannot do much better when using the digest option. This is also why I dislike that it's an option at all, but that's my fault.

For this message I just responded to the Mailmate Digest.

That won't work either except for other users using the digest option.

Let's see how this turns out, but as my problem has been solved: As soon as I stop sending mails I won't break this again ;-)

A digest contains multiple emails and therefore the email client cannot know which one is actually replied. The `Message-ID`s needed are also lost. It would be better if a digest was some kind of MIME-based standardized format, but that does not exist. Essentially, digests are a broken concept unless it's used for read-only purposes. (End of rant :-) ).

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