On 27 Jun 2022, at 15:15, Michael Friedlander wrote:

When I archive or delete a message from the current folder, Mailmate selects “up” (ie, the next latest msg, given the ascending-date sort I have set). Is there a way to reverse this default, so that Mailmate selects “down”?

This behavior is customizable from the command-line. It is documented in the Hidden Preferences section of the builtin MailMate help. Select Help->MailMate Help, then navigate to the Hidden Preferences section (under Advanced/Experimental Features). Use CMD-F to search for “MoveStrategy” for the full explanation.

TL;DR: I used this command from a terminal window (quit MailMate first) to get my preferred style:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessagesOutlineMoveStrategy -string “unreadOrPrevious”

Glenn P. Parker
mailmate mailing list

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