Hi Benny and Henry

Yes that was the problem - I rebuilt my signature so there was no stylesheet, and now it’s good.

Thanks for sorting this for me.

Moral of the story:  Don’t use word to create HTML signatures!


On 19 Aug 2022, at 18:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 19 Aug 2022, at 1:42, Simon Kaplan wrote:

In the last few versions of MM I’ve been getting the following error as I compose:

Warning: CSS inlining unexpectedly failed
A JavaScript exception occurred

And I get a bright orange header bar as I’m composing that says

External command failed:  sanitize-html

Any ideas, anyone?

The change in MailMate causing this is that MailMate now inlines CSS in your HTML signature before embedding it in the HTML of the message itself. This is actually MailMate trying to help you because a signature should not contain a stylesheet. (I've yet to see an example where someone did this on purpose. It's usually the result of using an entire HTML document as a signature.)

That said, there might still be a MailMate bug/issue since the inlining failed. You are welcome to send me your signature (off list) and I'll see if I can reproduce it. If I can then I'll look into possible workarounds or a more graceful way of failing.

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