On 08.02.24 05:48, John Covici via mailop wrote:
I have sendmail set up for dkim, I don't see anywhere where you need
anything for dmarc.  Right now the opendmarc.conf is just what comes
when you install.

DMARC on domain means setting DNS record in it. In addition to SPF and DKIM provides recipients instructions what do to with mail that does not fit and/or where to send you reports about such mail.
Which is

Opendmarc on your server validates incoming mail, optionally allows you to reject mail and/or send failure reports.

I also run opendmarc with default options, and am thinking about rejecting and reporting. Will take some time.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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