On Sun, Feb 19, 2006 at 05:00:40PM +1100, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> >I missed that thread.  What was the subject?  Module::Build doesn't
> >need YAML at all (though authors really should have it to generate a
> >fleshed-out META.yml).  And the current development version should
> >work fine with current versions of YAML.  I don't think anybody is
> >suggesting putting 0.2611 in the core, and I for one wouldn't mind
> >seeing the battle-testing that would result from putting 0.27_* in the
> >core happen before 0.28 is released.
> I'd really really really like to have a while to hammer on 0.28, since 
> it's been 8 months since the last Module::Build release, and what exists 
> now is surely better than what I have to play with now.
> Developer releases are only useful to a point.
> Andreas has 345 Perl installations on his server, and I'm starting to 
> assemble my "every production Perl on every production platform" matrix 
> based on his work.
> And I'd class that as appropriate _training_ for "battle conditions", 
> which would throw up even more stuff.
> And if we can clear Module::Build on 400-500 installations of Perl, I'd 
> feel much more comfortable about seeing it head towards the core.

Sigh.  It's a perl-only module; putting it in is not going to break
any builds, at worst it will fail its tests.  And if it is going to
fail tests on platform Foo, we want to know that as soon as possible, so
that's a good thing.

I greatly appreciate it that you want to test it on so many perls, but
that's not a substitute for the variety of platforms doing smoke tests
or other periodic testing of the core.

It scares me that modules like "version" are switching to Module::Build
and we don't have any sense for how many platforms it just plain doesn't
work on.  The sooner it's in the core, the better.

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