Hi Yves,

This is a known shortcoming of CPAN's approach to dependency detection. There's no solution inside the META.yml itself, though in some distant future version we'd like to expand the little language that describes dependencies so it would indeed be capable of expressing platform-specific dependencies.

In the meantime, I'm not sure what to suggest - if you omit the META.yml I assume CPAN would try another method, but I'm not sure. It's also possible that if you put dynamic_config => 1 in the META.yml it could try another method, but I'm certainly not sure about that either. :-/


On Apr 12, 2006, at 12:36 PM, demerphq wrote:

I have a problem with META.yml generation and platform dependencies.

It looks to me like CPAN is using META.yml to resolve dependencies
instead of letting Build.PL or Makefile.PL handle it. But there doesnt
appear to be a way to express that in a  METAL.yml. So when i do a
build/make dist I end up with a METAL.yml that specifies a win32
specific dependency, and when people on other OSes try to build they
try to grab a win32 specifc module.

Before I hack whatever it is that generates the META.yml to handle
this im wondering if there is anything better to be done? What happens
if a package doesnt contain a META.yml?

I also think it raises an interesting question. How to express dynamic
dependencies in a form like META.yml? It seems to me only in a limited

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