I sent a patch to Module::Build to add support for version objects (and there was much rejoicing - Yeeeah!). Unfortunately, version uses Module::Build for its own installer, so if you don't have Module::Build already installed, you can't install Module::Build (and there was much gnashing of teeth).

So, I need to whip up a fully EU::MM-compatible Makefile.PL for version.pm, but it needs to do a lot of sophisticated leaping about and shouting because:

1) I have both an XS and pure Perl implementation (so I need to test for a compiler and branch accordingly);

2) I use M::B's XS handling, so the XS and supporting .c files are located in a subdirectory (not in the project root like EU::MM expects).

I tried just copying the XS and associated files into the root folder and adding an OBJECT stanza to the Makefile.PL, but the shared object is built and apparently installed but doesn't execute.

Any pointers to dual-mode modules on CPAN gratefully accepted. Any ideas how to figure out why I can't get the XS code to build properly even more gratefully accepted...



John Peacock
Director of Information Research and Technology
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
4501 Forbes Boulevard
Suite H
Lanham, MD  20706
301-459-3366 x.5010
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