John Peacock wrote:
> is not a dual-life module.  The functionality provided by the CPAN
> release is compatible to the core version object functionality in 5.9.x.  The 
> XS
> code in the CPAN release is a replica of the C code in util.c and universal.c 
> in
> bleadperl.  It isn't possible to do it otherwise, because UNIVERSAL::VERSION
> must work without 'use version' being called.  The core *has* to support 
> native
> version objects without loading any module, hence there is nothing to install
> from the CPAN release.

Why can't it load behind the scenes rather than duplicating it in 
universal.c?  (I realize I'm probably opening a can of well sealed worms)

> I just committed code like this:
>      my $hash = $_[1];
> +    if ( $] >= 5.009001 ) { # included in bleadperl
> +       $hash->{'PM'} = {};
> +       $hash->{'MAN3PODS'} = {};
> +       return $hash;
> +    }
> which neuters the Makefile.PL for bleadperl only.  0.69_03 is winding its way
> through CPAN mirrors as we speak...

That should do it as far as making the install process neuter.  It'll still run 
the tests though.

The idea of having a CPAN module which cannot upgrade the core version makes my 
feet itch.  It sounds like it means going back to the old days where the only 
way to upgrade a module is to upgrade Perl.  The situation makes it 
even more absurd because it sounds like you have the potential for a newer CPAN 
version to be installed onto an older Perl (without built in).  Thus 
I could install the latest and greatest CPAN 2.13 onto 5.8.8 but 
with 5.10 I'll be stuck with 0.70 forever.

Stop me if this isn't the case.

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